Saturday, February 16, 2008

Welcome to several years ago

So here I am blogging for nobody! I suppose I could have started way sooner, like last week, and blogged about hitting a flying duck with my windsheild, Valentine's Day, or my son's birthday party... but let's not dwell on the past. "Let's not", everyone in the masses of my reading audience. As if you've all been clamoring to read Kirsten's crap anyway.

So currently I spoze there are a few things working. I predict these will be the immediate subjects of my blogging, until I spontaneously tire of them and move onto something else entirely.

1. I am working out. I have a trainer. I call him Yao Ming but he doesn't know that. I have been working out since December 31, 2007 because starting on New Year's Day is just so "normal". I figure I got a head start on the common bitch. I have only lost 4 net pounds but yesterday was my 6-week fat measurement and it was pretty good news! I went from 35% body fat (whoa) to 30%, which is still fatter than I thought I was in the beginning, but that's a nice change. Can I hope to lose another 5% in 6 weeks from now? That'd be great; mid-20s is a lot more tolerable than mid-30s, which is honestly disgusting.

2. Even though I am working out, I am probably going to get lipo. I am too impatient to work out for a year and just hope I come out hot on the other side. I rationalize it to myself this way: I want to focus on my health and strength in my workouts, not whether than one particular inch of fat will burn off in time for My Secret Deadline. So I am shopping Smart Lipo docs nationwide for my favorite before/after pics and price lists. I want to get this done in February. Yao Ming doesn't know this either.

3. I am shopping for a house. Not to live in, but to rehab. I'm obsessed. I can't wait until we really get one!

4. I want to adopt. Hubs isn't crazy about it like I am but I think I have his permission, er -- blessing. I really want like 4 more kids but I'd be lucky to just get one more. We'll see. I'm still working on him.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Okay first of all, why did I not know about this blog?

Secondly, one friggin post? Pathetic. Get your arse in gear. You have funny shit to say, so get on with it.